How to Fall Back to Sleep in Middle of Night

Do you want to knowHow to fall asleep in 2 minutes?

Sleeping earlier within 2 minutes or 10 minutes is a good sign for a person becoming healthy or already in a healthy state.

Some people find it difficult to fall asleep at night. They are merely turning side by side and not get into the mood of sleep. If you have this difficulty, then this is the time to practice breathing techniques to fall asleep quickly.

How to Fall asleep in 2 minutes

In addition to that, follow sleep hygiene and some therapies to benefit even more. Learn the tricks on How to Fall asleep Fast and follow it today itself.

Necessary of Falling Asleep

In general, it takes around 5 to 10 minutes to fall asleep for some people. That is normal, and you have no problems in sleep.

It is base on their physical activity, work pressure, how they spend their day, etc. However, frequently if you are difficulty falling asleep, it may result in sleep disorder.

Insomnia is a disorder that causes you challenging to fall asleep and too earlier to wake up than usual. You don't get a good sleep the whole night, reflecting in feeling tired and having less energy to do their daily routine.

Nearly one out of five people sometimes face insomnia at some point in their lives. Falling asleep fast is not rocket science. It is possible for you too.

But you need to follow the methods consistently to help you fall asleep quickly within few minutes easily. Using relaxation techniques and changing sleeping habits can help to get adequate sleep.

How to Fall asleep in 2 minutes

Firstly, you should do the Viparita Karani yoga pose in the evening.

I listed this first because it's effortless to practice; you don't need to worry about the body's flexibility like other yoga poses. It's merely as rest in the position without any ache in your body. That's it.

Viparita Karani Yoga Pose

Viparita Karani has enormous advantages, especially for all Sleep problems.

While practicing this yoga pose, the science behind you fall asleep; your whole bodyweight gets pressure over your shoulder and neck region that activates the wind pool point (it's an acupressure point for sleep).

The word "VIPARITA" in Sanskrit means Upside down, "KARANI" means Action. The other name is Legs Up Wall Pose.

Most people practice this yoga pose by keeping their legs on the wall. But it is not easy to practice for all ages. And we do not recommend doing that.

How to practice Viparita Karani Yoga Pose

1. Sit On a carpet, place 3 to 4 medium firm pillow or cotton pillow, one above the other. Without sitting in the center of the Pillow, sit on the front.

2. Slowly bed backward thrust the hands on the floor, lower the body. Only your head should be on the floor.

3. Join the legs together and raise upwards. Simultaneously, adjust the head on the floor and place the shoulder on the floor.

4. Keeps the legs to an angle of 90 degrees to the floor. The whole body weight should be on the shoulder and neck, place the hands relaxed next to the pillows.

5. Close your eyes and breathe. Hold the position for up to 100 counts. Then slowly lower down the legs on the floor and take some rest. Again, do the same and remain up to 100 counts. Three rounds total of 300 counts is enough for each day.

6. Thrusting the toes, raising the heels again, raising the back, and then removing the pillows one by one sideward.

7. Now, gently lower your back on the floor, stretch the legs and practiceSavasanato relax.

During day time, don't practice more than 200 counts. If you practice, you fall asleep in the daytime.

Avoid this yoga pose if you have eye pressure and severe eye problems like glaucoma and back, neck injury, or surgery.

The Military Method

It is the popular technique introduced for U.S military practices. You can control the whole body and switch off the mind by deep breathing rhythm.

This famous military method is first introduced in the book "Relax and Win: Championship Performance" by Sheron Acherman.

According to Acherman, the United States Navy Pre-Flight School developed a routine to fall asleep under two minutes in any condition. After six weeks of consistent practice, pilots could easily fall asleep quickly even after drinking coffee, and with gunfire, noises played in the background.

How to Practise Military Method

It has 5 phases to relax from face to calm down the continuous thinking.

1.Relax your Face: Relax your whole face by closing your eyes and breathing in and out slowly and deeply. Your muscles inside your mouth get to relax.

By a deep breath, your forehead should be smooth and feels lighter.

2.Relax Your Upper body:Drop the shoulder and release the pressure.

Now release the strain over the back of your neck and all its muscles. Next, your forearms feel it relax, lose it and drop down the body. You will feel like floating down the body.

3.Relax the Chest area: Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly to relax your chest. Next, your hands and fingers let it go loose.

4.Relax your Legs, Thighs, and Calf Muscles:Say yourself to both right and left leg, the thigh muscle, calf muscles to relax, and the same for your ankle and foot.  You can feel the muscles go limp and tension free.

5.Clear the Mind for 10 Seconds:  Now, the last step is to clear your mind for 10 seconds by holding an image. Don't think rather than that.

E.g., what went wrong today? Or what will I do tomorrow for my friend?

Doing these things all involve movement. It means just thinking about them is enough to make your muscles involuntarily contract.

Instead, you need to keep your mind in a stable state. Just Imagine you are lying on a couch in a pitch-black room. Hold this image in your mind for 10 seconds.

6. If this doesn't work, try to say yourself "don't think" over and over for 10 seconds.

It assists in clearing any thoughts and stopping your brain from the stroll. The thing is, when you're physically relaxed, and your mind is still for at least 10 seconds, you will quickly fall asleep.

You should follow this military method and practice for at least six weeks to benefit from it.

4-7-8 Breathing Method

The 4-7-8 breathing method shifts to a total relaxed state by your rhythm breathing. Dr. Andrew Weil introduced this simple breathing technique.

How to do 4-7-8 Breathing Method

1. Locate the tip of your tongue against the skin behind your upper front teeth. Keep it there throughout the exercise.

2. Exhale fully through your mouth, making an exhalation sound.

3. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through the nose for 4 counts. Hold your breath for 7 counts. Exhale completely through your mouth, making an exhalation sound for 8 counts. It is one breath.

4. Now inhale again and repeat the step 3 times for a total of 4 breaths. Do it at least twice a day.

This breathing exercise is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system. Focus on breathing practices controls your active thinking and keeps you relaxed.

Dua Sleep Method

The Dua Sleep is a simple practice created by Anatomic Therapy Foundation to fall asleep anyone with another person's help.

The word "Dua" derived from the Malaysian language, means two. You need another person to practice this method. It works by two-person Aura (inner body), meet together the active mind will shut off.

How to do Dua Sleep

1. The Sleeping person should gently lie on his back on a mattress. Don't braid both your legs and hands.

2. You sit behind his head should keep a small distance to place the fingers' tip in his head correctly.

3. Now, you touch his head with a little force by your fingertip. Your touch should be gentle, but don't be like a feather touch.

4. You can change your fingertip position every 2 minutes but only in the head region.

 5. Changing your hand's position works on every part of the brain so that it helps to connect with body parts to relax.

6. You can see his sleep within 10 minutes with different types of snoring.

Just use this technique for anyone struggling to fall asleep and quickly go to sleep within 10 to 15 minutes.

Don't use the alarm to wake up because sleep varies for every person. Someone needs 8 hours, others 10 hours it's based on their age, physical activity, etc. Anyone should undergo this Dua Sleep for 4 weeks to get rid of all sleeping problems.

Tricks to Fall Asleep in 2 minutes

In addition to the practices mentioned above, follow the tricks listed below to fall asleep in 2 minutes.

Guided Meditation and Visualization

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine published research showing that meditation is an effective treatment to fall asleep quickly.

The study showed that total sleep time and sleep quality improved in people who used meditation for over a month.

If you decide to meditate at night, try doing it before you get into bed, not while you're in bed. You can sit by your bedside and meditate for a few minutes, then slide your way into bed for a great night's sleep.

Visualization is a relaxation technique to imagine yourself in a peaceful, pleasant scene or imagine yourself breathing quietly, gently falling asleep, and having a good night's sleep.

Guided Meditation and Visualization may end up your anxiety, stress, and active mind, helping you fall asleep effortlessly.

Must Read – How to Sleep with Middle Back Pain

Be Physically Active

Indulge in jogging, walking, cycling, swimming, etc., are the key to fall asleep fast. Begin your day with exercise is an essential anchor for sleep.

Exercise helps you eliminate excess stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which in excess can interfere with your body clock to initiate and maintain your sleep. It also raises your body temperature can further support your internal body clock.

In addition to that, be physically active in your day time as they cover a small distance with a brisk walk, use stairs instead of using an elevator or lift benefits a lot.

Maintain a consistent Sleep Schedule

A proper sleep schedule supports your body clock to maintain consistent sleep and wake up cycle.

An asleep schedule is vital to your body clock for almost every night to keep a rhythm over weeks and months.

For, e.g., If you always get up at 7 a.m., then your sleep drive will be at the same place at 11 p.m. each night, making it more likely that you will have a consistent bedtime each day.

Eliminate napping

Napping can confuse your body clock and weaken your sleep drive, leading to trouble falling asleep as well as difficulty in staying asleep.

Consider not more than 20 to 30 minutes later than midafternoon if you choose to nap.

Limit your Stimulant intake

Try to avoid stimulants such as caffeine, smoothies with energy boosts, alcohol, nicotine, and other stimulants before your bedtime.

Eliminate or reduce stimulant intake allow your body clock to follow its natural rhythm with your sleep drive.

Other Important Sleep Hygiene

1.Turn off electronic devices before bedtime. Switch off your mobile or other electronics one hour before bedtime.

They produce bright light and stimulating images, both counterproductive to what your body needs to fall asleep and stay asleep.

2.Dim ambient lighting in the hour before bedtime. Darkness cues your body to produce melatonin, a hormone that creates a sense of sleepiness and contributes to your sleep cycle's architecture.

3. Don't go to bed hungry or full. Aim for going to bed with a balanced appetite. Whether you snack or have a late meal, be careful not to go to bed too full.

4. Sleep on a comfortable mattress. Mattress plays a big part when it comes to fall asleep quickly.

Choose the best mattress based on your choice, whether you like a soft or medium-firm. Don't go for a very firm mattress based on any suggestion. It will not give comfort to your entire sleep. If you have an old mattress, make sure to replace it with the right mattress for sound sleep.

5. Make your bedroom a comfortable environment. Darkness cues your mind and body to sleep. For most people, an optimal bedroom will be dark, quiet, and well ventilated, and have a comfortable temperature.


Falling asleep fast is a challenging one. But when you know how to make it easy, it is simple than you think. I hope you got the effective ways to Fall asleep in 2 minutes. When you follow the mentioned guidelines for at least four weeks, you can see the mind-blowing result. Many people follow these methods, and they are free from sleep disorders, and now they forget their sleep problems.

How to Fall Back to Sleep in Middle of Night


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